To make sure that we ate enough of it, our bodies and brains were designed to really enjoy1 1the taste, and therefore the craving was built into us, to ensure we wouldn’t be deficient in this vital nutrient and to pursue the pleasure that salt gives us. When you eat salt, your brain lights up with little hits of pleasure-chemicals, ensuring that we will keep eating it. Salt is necessary for a bunch of processes in your personal biochemistry set, known as your body. But, as with many things, when we eat too much sodium, our bodies become unbalanced. Now salt is everywhere, and it’s cheap. And we’re eating too much of it. But, according to the AHA, the reality is, most of us consume more than 3,400 milligrams of sodium a day—way more than the “safe” amount. And most of that comes from processed, pre-packaged food, not what we add at the table. It’s no secret we crave salt. But why do we crave it so much, even if it’s bad for us in high doses? And how can we address those cravings in a healthy way that supports our goals and us? Here are four ways you can look at your salt cravings3, and perhaps learn something that will inspire a change in your diet to help you stay healthy and balanced: The solution here is to become aware of your salt habits. Are you salting food before you even taste it? How much salt do you add when cooking? The solution? Stay hydrated and fueled during exercise and boost your mineral intake by eating more mineral-dense sea vegetables like nori, kelp, and dulse, and eat more super seeds like hemp and chia. In short, get those minerals in! That said, make sure to drink plenty of water every day and even extra when you exercise. When you drink alcohol, stay hydrated by drinking one glass of water for every alcoholic drink. Bonus: You might feel better in the morning as well! However, adrenal insufficiency, which includes Addison’s Disease, means that the body doesn’t make enough adrenal hormones (cortisol and aldosterone) and can cause low sodium levels in the blood and salt cravings. Adrenal insufficiency is rare, but if you’re experiencing salt cravings along with low energy and bags under your eyes, you may want to get your adrenal and cortisol levels checked by your doctor. Join her and husband Bob Gower in using their All-In Method.

Why You Crave Salty Snacks   What You Can Do About It - 83Why You Crave Salty Snacks   What You Can Do About It - 4Why You Crave Salty Snacks   What You Can Do About It - 43Why You Crave Salty Snacks   What You Can Do About It - 9