If you’re really deep in your sadness, you might want to actually create a playlist of songs that remind you of that other person. Doing this will allow you to really feel your feelings. It’s okay to bare your soul, break down, or cry. Because through that breakdown comes your breakthrough, and you will experience more peace, calm, and joy afterwards. Create an email account for the sole purpose of writing your deepest inner thoughts. You can also do this in your journal if you prefer, but sometimes there’s something that feels more natural about typing these thoughts into an email. You’re also probably at your computer pretty often throughout the day. Whenever you feel those thoughts of missing that person, stop what you’re doing and pivot over to the email account. Write an email about what you’re thinking about or missing about that person in this specific moment, and just hit send. This practice can allow for your blocks and emotions to naturally be released and move through you. Kindly, gently, and with much love, write them a thank you letter expressing your gratitude for what they’ve shown or given you. If you are releasing a past love, then maybe you want to thank them for all the good times or the spark of light that they showed you. If it’s a friendship, simply thank them for being who they are and showing up for you when you needed it the most. There is always something you can thank someone for. Dig deep, allow something beautiful to come through. You don’t have to send the letter—but there’s something particularly cathartic about doing so. Think of this as a development in your relationship. In order for your friendships and relationships to grow, they must rise to a new level. If you are missing someone today, close your eyes, think of that person, and send them a huge ball of love and light. Wherever they are, they will feel it. As host of a talk show that focuses on a holistic approach to beauty from the inside out, Chopra has always empowered women to use beauty as a tangible access point to self-love. Known for her straight-forwarded tone and intense vulnerability, Chopra recently took everything she had learned from suffering with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for the past 27 years and created a conversation about self-love in the chronic illness community. With her experience in public speaking, her highly engaged social media following, and her raw and honest writing that she shares weekly on her blog, Chopra is determined to get honest with her audience so that they can get honest with themselves in a way that truly transforms lives. You can also find her doing weekly content in her free Facebook group the Chronic (illness) Crew and daily on her Instagram @NitikaChopra.

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