To find out why Ashtanga yoga is such a popular practice, we asked a few seasoned instructors to share the ins and outs of Ashtanga yoga, including the many health benefits it offers. So, if you’re ready to give this highly structured, physically demanding style of yoga a try, check out this Ashtanga Yoga 101 crash course, designed with beginners in mind.  There are six levels of sequences or series in Ashtanga yoga, including the Primary Series, Secondary Series, and four levels of Advanced Series. A newcomer would typically begin with the Primary Series and progress once they’ve memorized and mastered the sequence. The energetic nature of all of the series leads to a cleansing of the body through heat, which Malaspina says enhances circulation, improves joint pain, carries impurities away from the body, and builds strength. “As students progress through the series, strength and grace are cultivated, and breathing becomes more even, which purifies the nervous system,” she says. The Ashtanga system emphasizes the Eight Limbs of Yoga1 as outlined in the Yoga Sutras, which Malaspina says serves as practices for living a meaningful life. This system inspires followers to adopt a daily practice of yoga.  During a class, Malaspina says a teacher will lead you through the sequences and provide guidance on alignment and offer hands-on assistance. After you memorize the sequence, you can join a Mysore-style class where you practice in the same room with other students but without a teacher leading—although, they may be present to offer encouragement.  To unify body, mind, and spirit, Ashtanga yogis integrate all three components of the practice, including vinyasa, or movement linked with breath; bandhas, or energetic locks that direct the energy of the subtle body; and drishti, a one-pointed focus, which Malaspina says centers the mind.   The system is a highly structured style of yoga, and as you progress, the poses become more challenging. That’s why Malaspina says it’s important to let instructors know about any physical limitations and to listen to your body. “Ask for modifications if you feel pain in any pose, and consider taking classes that are teacher-led prior to taking Mysore classes,” she says That said, if you’re eager to get started but you’re new to Ashtanga yoga, Malaspina recommends beginning with the Primary Series. “This teacher-led class is a great place for new students since they often find the repetition helpful,” she explains. Plus, once you learn the series, you can practice at your own pace, in your own space. Additionally, Quattrocchi stresses the importance of being self-motivated and thriving on structure as characteristics that may determine a good fit for Ashtanga yoga. “It requires a great deal of discipline and physical strength, so if you’re already active, this is a great way to introduce yoga into your routine,” she says.  And while it’s definitely not the easiest method of yoga to practice, with time, patience, and grace, you can learn to link your breath with movement and eventually fall in love with this transformative sequence. 

What Is Ashtanga Yoga  A Beginner s Guide   Health Benefits - 68What Is Ashtanga Yoga  A Beginner s Guide   Health Benefits - 42What Is Ashtanga Yoga  A Beginner s Guide   Health Benefits - 77