Add this one to the list: Orange peel skin. So what is this skin texture, what causes it, and what can you do about it? Below, our investigation.  That’s the comparison for a very specific type of skin texture, colloquially called “orange peel skin.” This is not a dermatological diagnosis, we should note, merely a descriptor.  “‘Orange peel skin’ is a phrase used to describe skin that resembles the peel of the orange. Imagine skin that is thick and shiny with tiny divots in the skin,” says board-certified dermatologist Zenovia Gabriel, M.D. “With orange peel skin, the pores appear to be enlarged and dimpled.” The skin type may look perfectly normal to the naked eye, especially at a distance. It’s really not until you get up close to the skin that you might start to notice texture variations. Thus, it’s usually a skin care concern that people self-“diagnose,” yet onlookers may not see the issue. Like many skin woes, it comes from sun damage, oxidative stress, and age. “It’s a sign of sun damage and aging. Basically as collagen and elastin are compromised, the pores are not held closed, leaving them larger and more visible,” says Morgan Rabach, M.D., board-certified dermatologist and co-founder of LM Medical NYC. It’s also common in those who have oilier skin. “People with more oil output in their skin have enlarged thick pores and can show signs of orange peel skin,” says Rabach.  Then, of course, there are personal skin variants that have nothing to do with external forces, lifestyle habits, and skin care behaviors. “Genetically, some of us have thicker, larger sebaceous glands, and this contributes to the quality and texture of our skin,” says Gabriel.    However, it is certainly more common in mature skin: “Older women are more prone to ‘orange peel skin’ since with age collagen levels decrease and skin loses its elasticity and plumpness, causing pores to look enlarged,” says Gabriel.  Second, you’ll want to tend to your pores externally. How does one do that? Well, the most effective way to promote collagen production is to start from within. As we know that collagen is too large of a molecule to penetrate the epidermis, the most effective way to get it is through hydrolyzed collagen supplements.  From there, these amino acids travel all over, including the skin, where they encourage fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin1. In fact, studies have shown that these collagen supplements have been shown to support skin elasticity, hydration, and smooth the appearance of texture (like fine lines and wrinkles)2.  You should also consider supporting collagen production with additional antioxidant supplements like vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin C, in particular, is important, as it promotes collagen production while stabilizing the collagen you already have.  If you support natural collagen levels in the body, your skin will appear firmer and more taut—resulting in a more lifted, smoother appearance.  When pores are filled with excess sebum, dirt, and buildup, they may appear larger and more visible. Consider using clay masks regularly, which can all help lift grime out of pores.  From there, board-certified dermatologist Mona Gohara, M.D., says you can use hydroxy acids (AHAs and BHAs, specifically) which exfoliates the top layer of skin, aiding the texture’s appearance and makes pores appear smaller. Retinoids can also help by encouraging cell turnover, smoothing skin, and encouraging collagen production. This, of course, isn’t a one-and-done measure since your pores are constantly producing sebum (a good thing!), and your skin is always coming into contact with dirt, pollution, and the like. It’s the result of collagen loss—from aging and sun damage specifically—as the skin starts to lose firmness and appears dimpled. You can help the skin’s texture through collagen supplements and certain topicals.*

Orange Peel Skin  What It Is  What Causes It   How To Treat It - 37Orange Peel Skin  What It Is  What Causes It   How To Treat It - 21Orange Peel Skin  What It Is  What Causes It   How To Treat It - 23