I’m not the only one embracing nonalcoholic beer—the alt-drink is steadily rising in popularity and proving to be much more than a trend. The explanation for this explosion of interest? It could be a new delicious option for the 30% of Americans who don’t drink or the number of health-conscious drinkers who have embraced nonalcoholic craft beer. In 1973, German beer companies originally marketed nonalcoholic beer as the “car driver’s beer,” and more recently European nonalcoholic brands are leading with the performance-enhancing properties of their brews. Heineken’s 0.0 promotes that “there is no limit to what the human body can achieve,” and Bavarian brewery Erdinger has adopted the motto “100% Performance. 100% Regeneration.” Domestically, leading nonalcoholic brewery Athletic Brewing Company uses the phrase “Beer for the modern adult” stamping “Brewed Without Compromise” on every can. Despite the accessibility of information today, when Athletic launched in 2017, most Americans weren’t well-versed in health-promoting properties of nonalcoholic beer. But in Germany, Erdinger handed out more than 30,000 bottles at the 2017 Berlin Marathon. Then in 2018, athletes on the German Olympic teams consumed nonalcoholic beer, in efforts to reduce post-exercise inflammation, reports the New York Times. More recently, the USA Triathlon became the first U.S. national governing body in the Olympic and Paralympic camp to team up with a nonalcoholic beer producer, Athletic Brewing Company. In June 2020, USA Triathlon chief marketing officer Chuck Menke said in a news release, “Nonalcoholic beer is an ideal option for endurance athletes” and “USAT can’t wait to ultimately introduce them to the wider multisport community.” The same study also found that ingesting nonalcoholic beer with polyphenols decreased upper respiratory tract infection rates in athletes during the two-week period after the race. The reason? Researchers believe it has to do with the presence of phenols in nonalcoholic beer, which are immune-supporting chemicals that come from the plants beer is brewed with. Phenol-rich diets “tend to lower inflammation and have a unique molecular structure that can actually regulate the genes that control inflammation,” says David Nieman, DrPH, FACSM, a biology professor at Appalachian State University. Nonalcoholic beer isn’t beneficial for only athletes, though. The same 2012 study found that polyphenol-rich beverages may reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Not to mention, a 2016 study found that the more a person drinks, the greater their risk of developing cancer1, especially head and neck cancers. In June 2020, for the first time in 20 years, the American Cancer Society updated its guidelines to remove alcohol consumption in any moderation. It’s important to acknowledge that all beer (alcoholic or otherwise) does have similar health properties, but alcohol can negate the positive effect. Beer with alcohol is a diuretic, which increases the flow of urine to promote the removal of excess water, salts, poisons, and accumulated metabolic products from the body—which may also accelerate dehydration. Nonalcoholic beer, however, is not a diuretic. One 2016 study in Nutrients evaluated the effects of three beverages for pre-exercise hydration2. The results suggested that drinking 0.7 liters of nonalcoholic beer before exercise could help maintain blood electrolyte homeostasis during exercise. What’s more, unlike many sports drinks, which have high sugar content, nonalcoholic beer often has zero sugar. Due to its hops components3, moderate consumption of nonalcoholic beer may promote better rest, according to a 2012 study. Another ingredient in beer, barley, is rich in vitamins and minerals. Plus, it contains inulin, a prebiotic fiber that helps feed healthy gut bacteria. The beta-glucans4 found in barley may also lower cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease5. I’m also sober. Nonalcoholic beer has given me the opportunity to enjoy beach beers and brewery Saturdays that I loved so much during my “drinking days,” and now, as I return to training for a 2021 expedition, it has become a trusted training partner. I’m a big fan of nonalcoholic beer before a workout, after a run, at tailgates, at summer BBQs, on boats, and yes, even with breakfast. I used to ask, is there ever a bad time to eat spinach? Now, I’m asking if there’s ever a bad time to drink nonalcoholic beer. I’m also not the only former pro-athlete who drinks nonalcoholic beer. I first heard Andy Ramage, founder of OYNB and TEDx presenter, on the Rich Roll Podcast in 2019 share his journey from pro footballer to alcohol-free adult. “I drink alcohol-free beer way more regularly than I ever drank alcoholic beer,” Ramage said. “The alcohol-free beers are much nicer, and they don’t take away your time, energy, and momentum in life.” The bottom line: Nonalcoholic beer can be a great option for anyone and may boast a number of health benefits. Here’s to breakfast beers! Crowley is also the founder and chief creative officer at RICKiRICKi, a creative project management agency. He has toured as a corporate speaker, published works of poetry and writing, and appeared as a guest on numerous podcasts. His past and current projects are populated with the individuals and brands that are driving the movements of global culture, from dance music to tattoo, meditation to sober curiosity, and the attitudes of maturing men.

Nonalcoholic Beer  4 Health Benefits You Should Know About - 13Nonalcoholic Beer  4 Health Benefits You Should Know About - 58Nonalcoholic Beer  4 Health Benefits You Should Know About - 45