The gradual and natural decline of the body’s collagen supply contributes to what we consider signs of aging: fine lines, sagging, sallowness, loss of volume, and more.* It’s no wonder that people are constantly looking for ways to “restore” their natural levels.  Here, we look into why collagen declines and the most effective (and natural) ways to support your own levels of this protein in the skin.*  Collagen is found in many areas of the body: skin, bone, cartilage, and muscle, with the purpose of helping tissues be simultaneously more firm, elastic, and withstand stretching.* So, for example, it keeps skin looking young and supple.* For a full explainer on the role of collagen in the body, check out our collagen guide, which dives into the details more thoroughly.    The bad part is that this process slows over time. “Our bodies always balance collagen production and degradation,” says board-certified dermatologist Gary Goldenberg, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York about collagen decline. “When we are young, our bodies produce more collagen than we break down. That balance tips the wrong way with age since tissue regeneration decreases.”  Collagen production peaks in your 20s, but at some point in that precious decade, the decline begins. The exact point is different for everyone, but typically mid- to late 20s is a good bet. After that, your collagen declines at a steady rate of 1% per year3, every year. For those who go through menopause, collagen takes another drop during that time: They experience a 30% drop in collagen4 during that time frame, and then that stabilizes to an about 2% decline every year thereafter.  Collagen levels can also take a hit from natural lifestyle factors like UV exposure, stressors, and diet.  As an overview, there are several routes to take when it comes to collagen support—and, as always, we recommend taking care of your skin from all angles.*  Once absorbed, they are able to travel around the body, exerting their beneficial effects: Research shows they are able to enhance your body’s own collagen production3 by stimulating fibroblasts, those same cells that make collagen and elastin to begin with.*  As for collagen’s effects on skin, you might expect results like better hydration, smoother skin, and improved skin quality.* For example, clinical research has shown that collagen can support skin elasticity5 and potentially make fine lines appear smaller.* And a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial found that participants’ moisture levels in the skin were seven times higher6 than those who did not take collagen supplements.* Of course, not all collagen supplements are created equal. It’s imperative that you find a quality manufacturer that is transparent about their sourcing, excipients, amino acid profile, and the amount of collagen actually in the product.  Additionally, there are other nutrients you can take that support your collagen production through other pathways. While this isn’t an exhaustive list, here are some of the most efficient options to look for:  But if you’re looking to improve collagen production, topical collagen products aren’t actually not the way to go. Collagen and collagen peptides are too large to be absorbed effectively by the skin (unlike the gut), and thus don’t affect the natural collagen level. However, some actives have been shown to boost collagen production: Ideally, you’re eating a robust diet with a wide variety of nutrients—and one that doesn’t spur inflammatory processes in the body. For collagen specifically, you can also consume foods that have an amino acid profile themselves such as chicken (with skin on), lean meats, lentils, and so on. You should also consume foods high in vitamins C and E (for collagen synthesis and cross-linking), a variety of nutrient and phytonutrient antioxidants (to protect your collagen layer), and essential minerals, like zinc (which also play a role in protein production). Finally, you may want to avoid high-sugar diets, which have been linked to hardening and fragmentation of collagen in the skin11.  For a full list on how to eat for collagen support, check out our guide. 

How To Restore Collagen In The Face  4 Tips From Experts - 96How To Restore Collagen In The Face  4 Tips From Experts - 9How To Restore Collagen In The Face  4 Tips From Experts - 15How To Restore Collagen In The Face  4 Tips From Experts - 20