Fortunately, there are some helpful ways to manage and even cut down on bloating with intentional care. Fed up with hormonal bloating? You’ve come to the right place. What’s more, the changes in progesterone during this time can lead to occasional sleep changes and bloating. Although the bloating should only last for the few days before your period begins and subside at the start, Cabeca notes that the fluid changes can even register to as much as 5 to 10 extra pounds on the scale. The good news is that you don’t need to do an hours-long workout to reap the benefits—even a quick yoga flow can help soothe your belly and provide a confidence and endorphins boost. Not sure how much water you should be drinking? A science-backed water intake1 amount that women should aim for is 2.7 liters (we’ll do that math for you: about 11.5 cups) each day, but make sure to consume even more if you’ve been particularly active.  The trap is that you’re probably going to be craving those foods during the days leading up to your period, so this isn’t to say you can’t eat the foods you love, but it’s helpful to be aware that they may exacerbate PMS and make your bloating worse. Instead, focusing on consuming a high volume of fruits and veggies during this time will be gentler on your body and help you feel better.  “Stress impacts the adrenal glands, also referred to as the stress regulators. High levels of stress will lead the adrenal gland to secrete higher levels of cortisol, which in turn triggers the release of glucose from your liver, which if not processed properly can lead to bloating, weight gain, fatigue, mood swings and all the [issues] we are trying to get rid of,” says Cabeca. However you like to burn off stress is up to you, but we recommend light exercise, meditation, key botanical bioactives, and even journaling. When you’re dealing with the lead-up to your period, you may feel more inclined to cozy up in your bed and wait out the storm, but getting up and staying active, drinking plenty of water, eating a nutrient-dense diet, and taking advantage of targeted tools like a high-quality probiotic are all ways you can reclaim your life during this period (no pun intended) and cut through bloating to renew your confidence.*

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