There’s reason for antibiotics to be revered. For decades, these wonder drugs have stamped out formidable infections that can otherwise prove deadly. But their lifesaving potency comes at a cost. In killing off dangerous bacteria, antibiotics kill off the good, too. In a report published last year in Gut journal, researchers cataloged a host of adverse antibiotic effects on the gastrointestinal system, immune system, and metabolic system, even finding correlations between antibiotic use and rises in obesity and stress. Nutritionist Meghan Telpner advocates for eliminating all sugars from both processed and natural sources, like maple syrup. “The bad bacteria feast on sugar, so try to keep that under control,” she explains.

How To Keep Your Gut Healthy When Taking Antibiotics - 8How To Keep Your Gut Healthy When Taking Antibiotics - 54How To Keep Your Gut Healthy When Taking Antibiotics - 25How To Keep Your Gut Healthy When Taking Antibiotics - 89