Though people of all genders can have narcissistic personality disorder, studies have shown men tend to display more narcissistic behaviors. So how can someone spot narcissism in a woman?  But men and women are socialized differently and thus are more likely to develop specific personality traits, and these differences can be seen between male and female narcissists as well. “Although there are shared narcissistic traits between male and female narcissists, there are some differences in which their narcissism is exhibited,” psychoanalyst Babita Spinelli, L.P., tells mbg. When male narcissists are angry, they tend to be aggressive and explosive (especially malignant narcissists). When female narcissists are angry, though, Spinelli says they’ll punish their victims by withholding attention and affection.  “Female narcissists utilize neglect or guilt as a form of control,” she says, “whereas male narcissists are more likely to utilize power and status as a form of control.”  Another way both male and female narcissists gain control and affection is through codependent people. The psychoanalytic term for this is a “narcissistic supply.”  Male narcissists will generally get their supply from romantic partners, but a female narcissist’s supply can come from her partner or her children. “The female narcissist sees her children as an extension of herself whereas the male narcissists do not lean in this direction,” Spinelli says. This is often referred to as covert or vulnerable narcissism, where the person may not be as outwardly boastful but still possesses narcissistic traits.  “The female narcissist is not genuinely interested in things like character and values unless it is used as part of her image,” Spinelli says.  Material items like clothes and cars can help validate their insecurities. Some female narcissists will even place an emphasis on their children’s image to help elevate their own, Behary says. Similar to a conversational narcissist, Behary says female narcissists always circle conversations back to their own experiences.   If other women appear more interesting or “threatening,” the female narcissist might use shaming tactics to exile them from the social group. They may do this to colleagues, friends, and even their own daughters, Spinelli says.  This is because they believe they have a superior way of doing things and view themselves as experts in all situations, she explains.  Additionally, a narcissistic mother or mother-in-law will be “jealous” of her daughter or daughter-in-law, Spinelli says.  Men are diagnosed with NPD at much higher rates, but female narcissists do exist.  Another misconception is that female narcissists are not as violent or emotionally abusive as males. “Often their male victims may not speak up about it because of feelings of shame,” Spinelli says. Similarly, some people believe female narcissists are nicer than male ones. But while both genders can appear nice and helpful in front of others, they tend to abuse their victims behind closed doors. “Female narcissists are just as rageful, contemptuous, and bullying,” she explains. They tend to play the victim, be overly jealous and competitive, superficial, and overbearing. RELATED: How To Spot Narcissistic Abuse: 15 Behaviors & Warning Signs

How Female Narcissists Differ From Males  Traits   Signs - 10How Female Narcissists Differ From Males  Traits   Signs - 63How Female Narcissists Differ From Males  Traits   Signs - 13How Female Narcissists Differ From Males  Traits   Signs - 2