Coconut sugar is less processed than table sugar: The sap is dried and packaged without any additional processing and thus retains more nutrients like iron, zinc, and magnesium along with other polyphenols, explains Catherine Perez, R.D., founder of Plant Based R.D. That said, Shanthi Appelö, R.D., says, “It’s not a health food and shouldn’t be consumed in excess.”  Here’s how they stack up nutritionally: As such, “Coconut sugar is lower on the glycemic index (GI) than cane sugar or even maple sugar,” New York City–based holistic nurse practitioner Victoria Albina, N.P., MPH previously shared with mbg. Research published in 3Food Science & Nutrition3 suggests that the GI value of coconut sugar is 35, while sugar cane can vary from 58 to 82, on a scale of 100. But it’s important to note that the GI will vary based on food pairings or combos. Perez says that while many of these nutrients sound like a major positive, it’s important to note that you would need to consume a large quantity of coconut sugar to see any impact. “You’re better off nourishing yourself using whole-food options like whole grains, fruits, vegetables and plant proteins,” she says. “Just make sure to pick a fair-trade-certified and organic brand to reap that benefit,” says Appelö. Cooking with coconut sugar tends to get a little more complicated from a texture standpoint: “The science of baking can be tricky, so it’s important to keep in mind that coconut sugar doesn’t have the same chemical makeup as table sugar and may not form the same type of structure,” says Appelö, adding that coconut sugar tends to do well in recipes that have a considerable amount of liquids and fat. To overcome an “overly porous aftermath when baking,” Appelö recommends taking your coconut sugar for a ride in the blender or food processor to achieve a more similar texture to cane sugar.  When using coconut sugar in place of liquid sweeteners or brown sugar, Appelö notes that it tends to be drier than other sweeteners, so you’re best off adding some extra liquid or moisture to the mix like yogurt or a mashed banana.  When opting for coconut sugar, be sure to read labels carefully, says Appelö. “It’s worth noting that labels and packaging can be misleading when deciphering between the two, so it’s best to read the ingredient list to be sure coconut sugar is what you’re getting,” she says. “In fact, many companies mix in cane and other types of sugar for cost savings while still labeling the product as coconut sugar.” Perez adds that depending on the type of palm sugar you use, you may get different flavor notes and deeper colors, but from a nutrition perspective, they’re quite similar.  Unlike coconut sugar, which has a slight GI impact thanks to its prebiotic fiber content, Cording says monk fruit is a non-nutritive or non-caloric sweetener that won’t have any impact on your blood sugar. Monk fruit does have small amounts of antioxidant properties. Cording notes that as with any product, it’s important to check the label for any filler ingredients before adding it to your cart. In this case, you want 100% pure monk fruit. Instead of coming from the palm tree itself, date sugar is made from the fruit of the date tree, which is ground up and dried into sugar, explains Perez. As a result, all the fiber, vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content we know and love about dates remain intact, like vitamin A, vitamin B complex, iron, and zinc. While its fiber content associated with slower blood sugar absorption is a plus, Perez says, you would need to consume large quantities of date sugar to achieve any significant nutrient benefits.  When it comes to cooking, you might be better off going for coconut sugar. That’s because it’s derived from the sap of coconut tree flowers, whereas date sugar is made from granulated dried dates, which will prevent it from dissolving in liquids, Appelö says. This makes coconut sugar more recipe-friendly, in general.  If you’re looking to keep it low on the glycemic index, honey is slightly higher than coconut sugar (58 vs. 54, respectively)—so it might not be your best bet. Where honey does have advantages over coconut sugar is the abundance of research4 available, says Perez. “Honey has polyphenols and very small traces of fiber […] And while, like coconut sugar, it does have some trace nutrients, you would need to consume a lot to find benefit,” she says.  From a health perspective, Appelö explains that agave syrup comes from the blue agave plant and undergoes heavier processing than coconut sugar. Therefore, it doesn’t retain as many nutrients. Agave’s flavor profile is much more neutral than coconut sugar, making it a little more versatile in recipes.  That said, if you’re looking for a top-notch natural sweetener, we would recommend opting for the blood-sugar-friendly monk fruit as an alternative option. Just like any other sweet food, it’s best to consume these sugar alternatives in moderation. As Perez notes, “sugar is sugar is sugar.” It’s best to “minimize intake of sugars altogether, and focus on foods that will provide more nutrition bang for our buck.”   Her first novel PRETTY WEIRD: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome and Other Oddly Empowering Lessons was published by Skyhorse Publishing and distributed by Simon & Schuster in May 2021.

Coconut Sugar vs  Sugar  What s The Healthiest Option - 9Coconut Sugar vs  Sugar  What s The Healthiest Option - 15Coconut Sugar vs  Sugar  What s The Healthiest Option - 27Coconut Sugar vs  Sugar  What s The Healthiest Option - 83Coconut Sugar vs  Sugar  What s The Healthiest Option - 54