So how do you feel more alive? Our culture says to do more, buy more, achieve more, succeed more, make more money, buy a bigger house, get out more, find a hobby, find a different job, live your passion. While there may be some truth to a few of these directives, the bottom line is that a full external life will not create internal fullness. What the culture fails to teach is that the road to aliveness is the other way around: when you’re filled up internally you will naturally create a full external life. Just like meditation teaches that authentic and inspired doing arises from a still place of being, so the picture we paint on the canvas of life will feel alive when it’s an expression of the fullness within. There are many ways to fill your inner well. The following seven are just a few: Sound like hard work? Yes, it’s not easy finding balance and aliveness as a human being. But take it slow and be gentle with yourself. Even addressing one of these areas will help bring life to the numb places inside of you and set you on a path toward the aliveness that is your birthright. To receive a thorough relationship road map, check out her mbg video course, How to Have the Greatest Relationship of Your Life. And if you’re struggling with sexual desire and body image, consider her course Sacred Sexuality: A 40-Day Course for Women to Heal Body Shame and Ignite Desire.

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