1. Deepen your spiritual connection. Success begins with you. Strengthening your connection with your Source, (God, Universe, Spirit) is the most important step to knowing who you are at the core. When you know who you are, you can be who you are. And when you can be who you are, without fear, then anything and everything is possible.
  2. Understanding that your purpose is who you are, not what you do. People often ask me, “How do I find my purpose?” Here is my answer. Your purpose is not hiding under a rock. You don’t need to search for it because it has always been with you.You were born with a specific purpose the day you were created. I have found that I am the most alive when I am helping others deepen their awareness about themselves. If you are on the quest to “finding” your purpose, think of your most recent memory where you felt the most alive and happy. What were you doing? Who were you being? Begin with the understanding that your purpose is a state of being.
  3. Commit to realizing, redefining, and realigning your vision. Your vision can be as big or small as you want it to be. The important thing here is to have your vision and purpose be aligned. Once you uncover your purpose and who you are being in the world, the next step would be to ask yourself, “Well, if this is who I am in the world, then what would I be doing? Your vision is the reason you wake up every day. It’s what I like to call your “big juicy goal.” What’s the legacy that you want to leave behind?
  4. Being a conscious creator. To be a conscious creator of your world means you need to be taking committed action. It means that you are awake in your life, aware of your purpose, and your vision and are willing to do whatever it takes to have the life that you want. Joan Baez says, “Action is the antidote to despair.” So true. If you are feeling stuck in an area of your life, GET MOVING and take action. If you aren’t happy with a situation in your life then DO SOMETHING about it.
  5. Be responsible for the energy in your space. Everything is energy. Money, love, fear, God, the Universe, your thoughts, words, and actions- all of it is energy. Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor once sent Oprah Winfrey a sign that is now hanging in her office that read, “Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space.” This simple piece of wisdom can be life changing if you apply it to not only to the energy that you are allowing in, but also to the energy that you are putting out into the Universe. Notice how you are showing up in your life. What kind of thoughts do you wake up with? When something goes unexpected do you usually blame yourself or someone else? Remember that your thoughts, words, and actions, when aligned, will produce unimaginable success in your life. Being the S.O.U.R.C.E. of Your Success is liberating. To simply know that you have the power within you to be, do, and create anything in your life, is giving yourself permission to be the brilliant, radiant, magnificent divine soul you were meant to be. She is the Former Co-Host of Studio 512, a lifestyle and entertainment morning show in Austin. She’s been featured in The Wall Street Journal, FOX, VH1, and was a regular on NBC’s Kansas City Live as the “Keepin’ It Real Guru.” She believes that when you cultivate a solid relationship with yourself, you can be, do, and have anything you want. Sign up for her Daily Shot of Courage texts for your daily dose of inspiration.

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