Actually, the myth that your nails need to “breathe” is just that—a myth. “Nails don’t actually breathe, as they get their nutrients, oxygen, and blood supply from the bloodstream, not from the air,” notes Mary Lennon, president and co-founder of the clean nail care brand côte. That’s not to say you should keep piling on services (certain nail products can suffocate the nailbed and cause skin irritation). Rather, when you hear your nails need a “breather,” what they really need is a much-deserved break—from rounds upon rounds of harsh polishes, acetone removers, and faux tips, that is. 

6 Signs Your Nails Need A  Breather  From Polish - 256 Signs Your Nails Need A  Breather  From Polish - 256 Signs Your Nails Need A  Breather  From Polish - 12