While all beings have masculine and feminine energy within them (these actually have nothing to with gender), fully activating your feminine energy means claiming new levels of power, pleasure, and presence. Here are five ways to tap into this wild energy right now: Don’t say “yes” when you really mean “no.” Often we suppress what we truly desire because we deem it silly, crazy, or impossible. We can never know what’s possible unless we hold the door open for our thoughts to pass through. So often, these things are not chosen out of free will; they’re conditioned. We might avoid our true desires simply because we’ve been told they’re “bad” or “wrong” or “weird,” or because we simply perceive them that way in our minds. This is particularly problematic with women because we really want to eradicate any notion of competition or making others “less than.” Goodness knows we’ve been working long and hard to rise. The flow of creative energy, inspiration, and sensuality that comes from tapping into this deeper aspect of ourselves is medicine for the spirit, and it’s hyper-magnetic to our desires. When we allow for the fullness of who we are, our lives, in turn, also become more full.

5 Keys To Connecting To Your Wild Feminine   How To Do It Today - 415 Keys To Connecting To Your Wild Feminine   How To Do It Today - 85 Keys To Connecting To Your Wild Feminine   How To Do It Today - 32