The key to nourishing your stomach in the right way is actually simple: You have to avoid foods that your system biochemically protests. Each of us is slightly different, but there are many foods that can lead to belly bloat for almost all of us. Just eliminating these can make a big difference in how your stomach looks and feels. Here are the foods to avoid: To experience the benefits of chia seeds without the negative side effects, you have to prepare the seeds properly. First, start with a small amount until your body is adjusted to eating them. When you do consume them, drink an ample amount of water; this will help to provide moisture to the seeds. Finally, you could pre-soak the seeds before you eat them; that way they’ll have enough fluid before they enter your body. Many people also have a slight soy allergy without realizing it. Notice if you bloat after eating tofu, soy milk, or other soy products and then remove them from your diet. Instead of eating the foods listed above, fill your diet with cooked vegetables like spinach, carrots, potatoes, and yams. The nutrient-rich veggies will keep you satisfied longer and will help you avoid the negative effects of processed foods. Soups, especially vegetarian ones are great for your body. I typically recommend split-pea, tomato, mixed vegetable, or bone broth soups. Teas like chamomile and mint have beneficial benefits as well!

5 Foods That Cause Belly Bloat   What To Eat Instead - 95 Foods That Cause Belly Bloat   What To Eat Instead - 905 Foods That Cause Belly Bloat   What To Eat Instead - 335 Foods That Cause Belly Bloat   What To Eat Instead - 23