1. Put three drops of lavender essential oil for peace, four drops of jasmine oil for self-confidence, four drops of neroli oil for seduction, and three drops of rose oil for love into a bowl of Epsom salt. Mix and pour it into your bath.
  2. Place a loving rhodochrosite crystal into the bathwater and light a pink candle for love.
  3. Climb in, lie back, and do some deep breathing. Allow any negative thoughts and feelings to go down the drain; imagine basking in love as Aphrodite tells you all the things that make you special. Place these beautiful qualities deep into your heart so that you radiate them.
  4. When you’re done, affirm with, “My life is an adventure and I am love.” Ask your spirit guides for more direction, blow out the candle, climb out, and jot down any insights you received.
  5. Put two drops of mind-body healing neroli essential oil, three drops of lavender oil for relaxation, and three drops of patchouli oil for connection into a bowl of Epsom salt. Mix and pour it into your bath.
  6. Light a green candle to symbolize health and place a quartz crystal in the water to magnify your intention.
  7. Climb in, lie back, and do some deep breathing. Ask your body what it needs to be healthy and allow the answers to come to you as images or words. Visualize yourself spending time in nature, doing yoga, drinking water, eating fruit, or whatever works for you. Notice how these things make you feel, and ask your Higher Self if there is anything that will help you master resistance to changes.
  8. Affirm, “My health is my top priority and I’m excited to cherish my body.” Blow out the candle, climb out, and jot down any insights you received.
  9. Put three drops of patchouli essential oil for abundance, four drops of lavender oil for balance, and two drops of frankincense for spiritual grounding into a bowl of Epsom salt. Mix and pour it into your bath.
  10. Light a yellow candle to represent your personal power and call in Earth Mother Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest, to help you manifest your dreams and purpose. Add a carnelian crystal for creativity.
  11. Climb into the bath, lie back, and do some breathing. Imagine any limiting thoughts or feelings going down the drain so that you can focus on all the positive things in regards to your goal. Imagine Demeter tending a beautiful garden. She asks what seed you want to nurture over time and what benefits it will yield. Really see the gifts that you bring into the world and ask her what conditions you most need for success. What steps can you take?
  12. When you’re done, affirm with, “I am a powerful Creator of my goals and I know exactly how to manifest them.” Blow out the candle, climb out, and jot down any insights you received.
  13. Put four drops of lavender essential oil for relaxation, four drops of sandalwood oil for focus, and three drops of myrrh oil for grounding into a bowl of Epsom salt. Mix and pour it into your bath.
  14. Call in the Goddess Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth, who is always surrounded by beauty. Add an amethyst crystal, the one said to be associated with this goddess. Light a white candle to invite the sacred into your home.
  15. Climb into the tub, lie back, and breathe deeply. Visualize the things in your environment that make you really happy. Do you see certain fabrics, colors, symbols, art? Do you like things to look very minimalist or prefer a lot of visual stimulation? Picture having a space that suits you and make note of its elements. Ask Hestia if there is anything else that would add beauty, like flowers, plants, an altar, or artwork.
  16. When you’re ready, affirm, “I am in the process of making my place full of beauty and love.” Blow out the candle, climb out, and jot down any insights you received.

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