As professional intuitive and author of Angel Intuition Tanya Carroll Richardson previously explained to mbg, “Angel numbers are a synchronicity, or a meaningful coincidence—divine guidance from angels and the universe,” which show up when there’s a message we need to hear. Each digit from 0 to 9 has a unique meaning, and the more the number repeats in a given sequence, the more its energy is amplified. The number 1, for example, is thought to symbolize a new beginning, so if you see 1111 on a license plate as you’re thinking about starting a new project, that would be a good sign to go for it. Additionally, she notes, 0 enhances the attributes of any other digit it appears with. For example, if you saw 7707, it would be amplifying the energy of the number 7. As Michaela explains, “Twin flame relationships are often very tumultuous and passionate. They are filled with many life-changing spiritual connections and they jump-start the goals on your soul contract.” So in the case of 000 appearing in the context of a twin flame relationship, she says, you may be feeling inspired and at the same time very out of control. “Seeing 000 at this time could mean that what feels like free-falling is actually you landing in your new and desired life trajectory,” she adds.

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